
Represents the details of an ad rule related to a given ad break type.


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open val instances: Int
The number of ads in this ad break.
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open val interval: Long
The time interval between midrolls/overlays (in milliseconds).
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The maximum duration for this ad break.
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open val offset: Long
Initial time offset before the first ad in case where interval value is set (in milliseconds).
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The percents of the content video duration when the ad break represented by this rule is triggered.
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The string representations of the times (within content duration) when the ad break represented by this rule is triggered.
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The ad break type of this SVSAdRuleData.


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open fun createMidrollAdRuleData(instances: Int, maxAdPodDuration: Long, @Nullable percents: Array<Double>): SVSAdRuleData
open fun createMidrollAdRuleData(instances: Int, maxAdPodDuration: Long, @Nullable timecodes: Array<String>): SVSAdRuleData
open fun createMidrollAdRuleData(instances: Int, maxAdPodDuration: Long, offset: Int, interval: Int): SVSAdRuleData
Creates a midroll SVSAdRuleData
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open fun createPostrollAdRuleData(instances: Int, maxAdPodDuration: Long): SVSAdRuleData
Creates a postroll SVSAdRuleData
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open fun createPrerollAdRuleData(instances: Int, maxAdPodDuration: Long): SVSAdRuleData
Creates a preroll SVSAdRuleData
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open fun getAbsoluteTimes(contentDuration: Long): Array<Long>
Returns the absolutes times when the ad break represented by this rule is triggered