Integrate Smart Mediation Adapters

This page provides a configurator to easily integrate both Mediation Adapters and Ad Network SDKs using CocoaPods for iOS and Gradle for Android.

  1. Follow first Android and iOS Getting Started guides to integrate your formats among: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded Video, Native Ads
  2. Select the ad networks you would like to mediate using Smart Mediation
  3. Copy the CocoaPods or Gradle script to your project setup
  4. Setup Mediation insertions on your placements

If you prefer, you can still use manual installation to integrate our adapters, please read Supported Adapters topic for more informations.

  • AdColony 4.7.2
    1. Interstitial
    2. Rewarded Video

  • AppLovin 11.3.1
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

  • Google Mobile Ads / AdMob 11.5.0
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

    Do not forget to specify in your application whether you are using Admob SDK or AdManager SDK.
    This specification has to be done in your plist file on iOS, and in your manifest file on Android. For more information, please check the google documentations, AdMob or AdManager

  • InMobi 10.0.1
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

  • Ogury 4.2.2
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

    Ogury Thumbnail Ad can be delivered through Banner placement, more info.

  • TapJoy 12.8.0
    1. Interstitial
    2. Rewarded Video

  • Teads
    1. Banner

  • Vungle 6.10.5
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

iOS CocoaPods integration

Please select at least one Ad Network.
  • AdColony 4.6.5
    1. Interstitial
    2. Rewarded Video

  • AppLovin 9.3.0
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

  • Google Mobile Ads / AdMob 23.1.0
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

    Do not forget to specify in your application whether you are using Admob SDK or AdManager SDK.
    This specification has to be done in your plist file on iOS, and in your manifest file on Android. For more information, please check the google documentations, AdMob or AdManager

  • InMobi 10.0.1
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

  • Ogury 5.6.2
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

    Ogury Thumbnail Ad can be delivered through Banner placement, more info.

  • TapJoy 12.8.1
    1. Interstitial
    2. Rewarded Video

  • Teads
    1. Banner

  • Vungle 6.10.3
    1. Banner
    2. Interstitial
    3. Rewarded Video

Android Gradle integration

Please select at least one Ad Network.