Open Measurement

  1. Open Measurement SDK support

Open Measurement SDK support

The Smart Instream SDK 7.24 embeds the IAB Open Measurement SDK with OMID API version 1.3.10 It therefore supports Open Measurement third-party verification tags included in your VAST ads.

For VAST 4.0 ads and below, third-party verification scripts must be added in the <Extension type="AdVerifications"> tag as the <AdVerifications> tag at <Ad> tag is only available from VAST 4.1.

For example:

  <Extension type="AdVerifications">
      <Verification vendor="">
          <![CDATA[ ]]>

For VAST 4.1 ads and above, third-party verification scripts must be added in the <AdVerifications> tag at <Ad> tag level. Verification scripts under the <Extension type="AdVerifications"> tags will be used only as a fallback if no <AdVerifications> tag is found at <Ad> tag level.