Compatibility and support

Here you will find information about Smart Instream SDK features, compatibility and technology support.

  1. Platforms
  2. Content players
  3. VAST 4.x macros
  4. Creative support
  5. Features

Supported platforms

Smart Instream SDK is supported on the following platforms.

Plaform Version
iOS iOS 13.0 or higher
Android Android 4.4 (API level 19) or higher
tvOS tvOS 13.0 or higher
Android TV Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher

Supported content players

Smart Instream SDK supports the following content players.

Content Player iOS & tvOS SDKs Android phone & TV SDKs
AVPlayer N/A
ExoPlayer N/A *
VideoView N/A

* On some Android TV platforms, given the limited hardware decoding resources that Exoplayer relies upon, instream ads might not be available if the content being played has the same encoding format. Check out the Android OTT TV Limitations section for more information

Note that if you use a different content player, it can be supported by Smart Instream SDK by creating your own SVSContentPlayerPlayHead on iOS and your SVSContentPlayerPlugin on Android. Read the related documentation for iOS and Android for a step by step guide.

Supported VAST 4.x macros

Smart Instream SDK supports the following IAB VAST 4.x macros.

Those Macros are supported in <VASTAdTagURI>, <Tracking>, <Impression> VAST nodes

Macro Supported Description
[APIFRAMEWORKS] List of frameworks supported by the player.
Values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 "API Frameworks" list.
[OMIDPARTNER] An identifier of the OM SDK integration.
Please note: for SmartAdServer Instream SDKs it will be:
  • Smartadserver1 for mobile device integration
  • -1 for OTT Video Context
[VASTVERSIONS] List of VAST versions supported by the player.
Values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 "Creative Subtypes" list.
[CACHEBUSTING] Random 8-digit integer.
[TIMESTAMP] The date and time at which the URI using this macro is accessed.

For additional information, please refer to the IAB VAST 4.x Macros Documentation

Creative support

Here is the list of supported creative files per SDK.

Creative Type iOS & tvOS SDKs Android phone & TV SDKs
Linear Creatives


Here is the list of supported features per SDK.

VAST 2.0
VAST 3.0
VAST 4.2
VAST Redirects (wrappers)
Linear ads (Preroll, midroll, postroll)
Non linear ads (overlays)
Companion ads
Ad Pods
Ad rules
Server-Side Ad rules
Minimum delay between ad breaks
Maximum ad pod duration
Client side passbacks (from VAST ad buffet)
Regular clickthrough
Deeplinking clickthrough
Smart viewability measurement
VAST tracking events
Custom user identification
Content data management
Skippable ads
Audio ads
Google Cast