Apple TV support

Smart Instream SDK is compatible with Apple TV devices as long as they run on tvOS 13.0 or higher.

This page presents the limitations and some info on how to get started with this platform.

  1. Limitations
  2. Getting started


Smart Instream SDK behaves identically on iOS devices and tvOS devices, except for the following features:

  • Ads are not skippable: skip offset (from the VAST response or from the SVSAdConfigurationPublisherOptions) will be ignored on Apple TV and all ads will be played until the end.
  • Clickthrough is not supported: ads are not clickable on Apple TV and click URL from the VAST response will be ignored.

Note that you don't need to create specific insertions for TV devices. Compatibility is ensured between Web, In-app and OTT TV. The same insertion can be used for all available platforms.

Getting started

The same Smart Instream SDK is used for both iOS & tvOS devices and the integration is identical (including the library that must be imported).

You will find more information about the integration in the iOS section of this documentation.