Open Measurement support

The Equativ Instream Plugin version 1.x embeds the IAB OM Web Video SDK with OMID API 1.3.21
Embed Ad Manager doesn’t support OMSDK.

The Open Measurement Working Group has developed the OM Web Video SDK, which aims at standardizing how the Open Measurement Interface Definition (OMID) signals are collected in web video advertising. In particular, this applies to web video players that use HTML5 exclusively to load and render viewable content. Open Measurement for Web Video represents a new straightforward method to perform Viewability and invalid traffic (IVT) measurement on Desktop and Mobile Web. It allows for cross-screen measurement, supporting one tag for video advertising and deprecating VPAID (Video Player Ad Interface Definition).

* VAST 4.1+ ads can contain AdVerificattion tag, however ads with earlier VAST version must be configured to traffic <Extension type="AdVerifications">

For example:

	<Extension type="AdVerifications">
			<Verification vendor="">
					<![CDATA[ ]]>

IAB video macros for ad verification and measurement vendors

The IAB specifies some VAST macros that can be used by ad verification and measurement vendors in case the Open Measurement SDK is not yet supported. From these IAB macros, Equativ supports the macros mentioned in the table below. At this time (December 2021), the macros are only supported in Video Plugin integrations. Other client side video integrations (In-stream video SDK / Display SDK) will support them soon.

Macro Description

list of frameworks supported by the player; values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 "API Frameworks" list

data type : Array<integer> (example: 2,7)


an identifier of the OM SDK integration; this is the same as the “name” and “versionString” parameters of the OMID Partner object. If the partner ID is not shared, verification vendors will not be able to properly measure and report on this inventory. If the partner name is not available, use “unknown”.

data type : string

format : {partner name}/{partner version}

unencoded example: MyIntegrationPartner/7.1

encoded example: MyIntegrationPartner%2F7.1


list of VAST versions supported by the player; values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 "Creative Subtypes" list

data type : Array<integer> (example: 2,3,5,6,7,8,11)


list of VAST verification vendor attribute values that the player/client supports

data type : Array<string> (example:,,


for app ads, a platform-specific application identifier, bundle or package name; should not be an app store ID such as iTunes store ID;

where required and applicable, but unknown or unavailable, -1 or -2 must be set;

when required and not applicable (such as in an app), 0 must be set

data type : string (example: com.example.myapp)