Compatibility and support

Here you will find information about Equativ Display SDK features, compatibility and technology support.

Table of contents

  1. Supported platforms
  2. Features
  3. Creative support
  4. MRAID support
  5. Open Measurement SDK support
  6. Outstream video support
    1. Features
    2. Supported VAST 4.x macros

Supported platforms

Equativ Display SDK is supported on the following platforms.

Plaform Version
iOS iOS 13.0 or higher
Android Android 6 (API level 23) or higher


Here is the list of supported features.

Feature Supported Additional Information
Ad formats
Native Ad
Rewarded Video We are not planning to integrate this feature in the Equativ Display SDK8. If this feature is critical for your operational usage or advertising monetization, please reach out to your contact at Equativ.
MRAID 2.0 support Some MRAID 2.0 feature might not be supported, check the MRAID support section for more information
MRAID 3.0 support
Outstream Video
Direct native video (mp4, webm, …) Supported formats per platform in the Creative Support section.
VAST & VPAID video support More info in the Outstream Video features section.
VAST compliant video events tracking
MRC Viewable Ad Impression tracking
Video Go-to-vertical
Open mediation as primary SDK
 Rewarded video
Mediation as secondary SDK
 Rewarded video
In-App Bidding
In-App Bidding as bidder Integration of this feature is underway.
In-App Bidding as primary We are not planning to integrate this feature in the Equativ Display SDK8. If this feature is critical for your operational usage or advertising monetization, please reach out to your contact at Equativ.
Viewability & event tracking
MRC Viewable Ad Impression tracking
IAB Open Measurement SDK support See Viewability page.
User Privacy
Global Privacy Platform (GPP) See Privacy laws compliancy page.
GDPR compliant (using TCF v2)
CCPA compliant
Custom keywords
User location Automatic use of user location if permission is granted to the application and if automatic location is manually enabled on the SASConfiguration object.

Creative support

Here is the list of supported creative files per format type.

Creative Type Banner Format Interstitial Format
Image (1)
Rich Media
Media Files (3)
WebM (4)
(1) Image rendering is made through a webview and HTML template except for Parallax (native platform component)
(2) Check MRAID support section for more info
(3) Video rendering uses native platfom component, except for VPAID (Video HTML5 tag)
(4) Only on Android platform
(5) Check Video features section for more info

MRAID support

The Equativ Display SDK supports MRAID 3.0.

Here is the list of the main supported features:

Feature Supported Additional Information
Resize An call to mraid.resize() will be ignored starting with the SDK 8.0
URL Open URLs will be opened as post click modals
Custom close button The SDK close button will always be displayed in top right position
Viewability events

For more information about the MRAID implementation, check the dedicated MRAID Creatives page.

Open Measurement SDK support

The Equativ Display SDK 8.3 embeds the IAB Open Measurement SDK with OMID API version
It therefore supports Open Measurement third-party verification tags included in your ads.

Here is the list of supported formats.

Creative Type Supported Additional Information
Standard HTML5
Video HTML5 Video
VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions (*)
VAST 4.2 Through VAST <AdVerifications> tag (introduced in VAST 4.1)
VAST 3.0 extensions (*) will be interpreted only as a fallback
VPAID 2.0 VPAID is not supported by OMSDK cf. IAB FAQ OM SDK compliance

Interstitial ad format

Creative Type Supported Additional Information
Standard HTML5
Video HTML5 Video
VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions (*)
VAST 4.2 Through VAST <AdVerifications> tag (introduced in VAST 4.1)
VAST 3.0 extensions (*) will be interpreted only as a fallback
VPAID 2.0 VPAID is not supported by OMSDK cf. IAB FAQ OM SDK compliance

(*) Ads must be configured to traffic <Extension type="AdVerifications"> in their VAST as AdVerification tag is only available starting from VAST 4.1.

For example:

    <Extension type="AdVerifications">
            <Verification vendor="">
                    <![CDATA[ ]]>

Outstream video support


Here is the list of supported features from the IAB Digital Video Suite.

Format Supported
IAB Video Suite
VAST 2.0
VAST 3.0
VAST 4.2
VAST Wrapper
Video features
Linear ads
Non-linear ads
Audio ads
Skippable ads
Ad pods
VAST tracking events

Supported VAST 4.x macros

Smart Instream SDK supports the following IAB VAST 4.x macros.

Those Macros are supported in <VASTAdTagURI>, <Tracking>, <Impression> VAST nodes

Macro Supported Description
[APIFRAMEWORKS] List of frameworks supported by the player.
Values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 “API Frameworks” list.
[OMIDPARTNER] An identifier of the OM SDK integration.
Please note: for SmartAdServer Instream SDKs it will be:<ul> Smartadserver1 for mobile device integration -1 for OTT Video Context</ul>
[VASTVERSIONS] List of VAST versions supported by the player.
Values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 “Creative Subtypes” list.
[CACHEBUSTING] Random 8-digit integer.
[TIMESTAMP] The date and time at which the URI using this macro is accessed.

For additional information, please refer to the IAB VAST 4.x Macros Documentation

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Page last modified: Dec 2 2024.