Table of contents

  1. What is MRAID?
  2. MRAID support
  3. Implementation details
    1. Viewability events
    2. MRAID close & unload
    3. Old / unsafe MRAID features
    4. Custom MRAID features

What is MRAID?

MRAID or Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions is the common API for rich media ads that will run in mobile apps. This API is defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

You can find more information about the MRAID API on the IAB website. You can also look at the complete MRAID 3.0 specifications for more details on the API available and how to use them.

MRAID support

The Equativ Display SDK supports MRAID 3.0.

Here is the list of the main supported features:

Feature Supported Additional Information
Resize An call to mraid.resize() will be ignored starting with the SDK 8.0
URL Open URLs will be opened as post click modals
Custom close button The SDK close button will always be displayed in top right position
Viewability events

Implementation details

Viewability events

The viewability events will be emitted:

  • when the ad view is added or removed from the view hierarchy
  • when the ad view is moved in or out of the screen
  • when the keyboard is displayed on top of the ad view
  • when an interstitial ad is shown or closed
  • when the app goes into background or foreground

MRAID close & unload

Calling the mraid.close() method will have a different behavior on banner and interstitial:

  • Interstitials: the interstitial will be closed immediately, even if there is an ad countdown running.
  • Banner:
    • If the banner is expanded: the ad expand will close and go back in its initial container
    • If the banner is not expanded: the close will be ignored

Calling the mraid.unload() method will close the interstitial and will destroy the currently displayed ad in a banner. Note that the banner view will not be removed and will stay empty in the view hierarchy.

Old / unsafe MRAID features

Some older and/or unsafe MRAID features have been removed in the SDK 8.0, including:

  • mraid.storePicture()
  • mraid.playVideo()
  • mraid.createCalendarEvent()

Custom MRAID features

The custom API sasSendMessage has been removed in the SDK 8.0.

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Page last modified: Dec 2 2024.