iOS Release notes

Version 8.2.1

August 21th, 2024 iOS 13+


  • Fixed a potential crash when using portrait/landscape formats.  

Version 8.2.0

August 13th, 2024 iOS 13+


  • Added support for mediation as Primary SDK.
  • Added mediation adapters for Google Mobile Ads / AdMob and Ogury.  


Version 8.1.0

June 7th, 2024 iOS 13+



  • Add bannerViewDidRequestClose: API to the SASBannerViewDelegate protocol.
  • Handling of the background color for Interstitial HTML ads, based on the value set in EMP (Equativ Monetization Platform).
  • Handling of blur background for Interstitial Video ads, based on the value set in EMP (Equativ Monetization Platform).  

Version 8.0.0

January 26th, 2024 iOS 13+


  • The Equativ Display SDK is compatible with iOS 17.
  • Banner ad format (HTML, Outstream, Outstream VPAID). See the integration guide for more information.
  • Interstitial ad format (HTML, Outstream, Outstream VPAID). See the integration guide for more information.
  • HTML creatives are compatible with MRAID 3.0.
  • Supply Chain Object implementation.
  • Seller Define Audience (SDA) and Seller Defined Content (SDC) implementation. See the dedicated page for more information.  


  • A lot of APIs have been updated, please refer to the migration guide for more information.  


  • Some APIs are not implemented yet but will be added back gradually, please check the public roadmap for more information.  

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Page last modified: Aug 21 2024.