Amazon Publisher Services - Android Bidding Adapter

  1. Supported formats
  2. Set up

Supported formats

  • Banner
  • Interstitial

Set up

To start using our bidder adapter, you will need:

  • An Amazon Publisher Services account.
  • Your Amazon's application ID.
  • Your Amazon's ad slots UUIDs.
  • The pricepoint matrix that Amazon Publisher Services gives you for each slot.

In your application, integrate both Smart Display SDK and Amazon SDK. Please refer to Amazon's documentation for Amazon specific installation steps.

Then copy the open source Amazon bidder adapter classes (SASAmazonBaseBidderAdapter, SASAmazonBannerBidderAdapter and SASAmazonInterstitialBidderAdapter) from the Smart in-app bidding GitHub repository to the source folder of your project.

You will find technical details about the integration of the Amazon bidder adapters in the README file of the GitHub repository, as well as a basic integration sample.