Create an Android In-app Bidding Adapter

This article relates the technical implementation of an Android custom bidding adapter. If you want to know more about in-app bidding or the reasons why you should create a custom bidding adapter and how to do it, please go to in-app bidding overview or the custom adapter page.

  1. SASBidderAdapter interface
    1. Competition type
    2. Rendering type
    3. Win notification callback
    4. Rendering methods

SASBidderAdapter interface

To create your custom bidder adapter, you must create a class that implements the SASBidderAdapter interface.

Most of the properties should be set upon initialization of your adapter, even if they will only be "consumed" server-side when the adapter informations are forwarded to Smart through the ad call.

Please refer to the API documentation for complete list of the properties and methods to be implemented.

Competition type

When initializing your adapter, make sure to return the proper CompetitionType:

  • SASBidderAdapter.CompetitionType.Price means that Smart Display SDK will pass the price and the currency as parameters of the ad call, unobfuscated. With this competition type, you must implement the getPrice() and getCurrency methods of the adapter.
  • SASBidderAdapter.CompetitionType.Keyword means that Smart Display SDK will pass a representation of the price, as a keyword, in the ad call. This keyword must match with the keyword targeting of a programmed insertion that has also an eCPM priority and CPM filled in the ad server. With this competition type, you must implement the getKeyword() of the adapter.

Rendering type

When initializing your adapter, make sure to return the proper creative RenderingType:

  • SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.PrimarySDK means that Smart Display SDK will be responsible for rendering the winning creative whether it comes from the ad server or the in-app bidding competition. Therefore your adapter must provide the HTML Ad Markup to be displayed through the getBidderWinningAdMarkup method (see below).
  • SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.ThirdParty means that your partner's SDK will ultimately be responsible for rendering the winning creative and that a third party (such as your application) will trigger it. This situation occurs if Smart's ad-server loses the bidding competition. If the winning creative comes from Smart, the display will be done by Smart Display SDK as usual.
    Note : this is the only available rendering type for a native ad integration, as the application is always in charge of rendering the native ads.
  • SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.Mediation means that your partner's SDK will ultimately be responsible for rendering the winning creative but that the Smart Display SDK will mediate this rendering through the adapter and forward all necessary callbacks to the delegate of the instanciated Smart Display SDK ad view. This situation occurs if Smart's ad-server loses the bidding competition. If the winning creative comes from Smart, the display will be done by Smart Display SDK as usual.

Win notification callback

When the ad-server loses the server-side competition, meaning that it was not able to return an ad with a higher CPM than the third party bidder, Smart Display SDK will trigger the method:

When this method is called, you should perform all actions you think relevant to log the competition result.

Rendering methods

Several methods can be called for the rendering to occur, depending on the rendering type of the adapter.


Smart Display SDK Creative Rendering

This corresponds to the SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.PrimarySDK rendering type. For rendering of the creative to occur properly, your adapter must implement these methods:


Third party Creative Rendering

This corresponds to the SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.ThirdParty rendering type. For rendering of the creative to occur properly, your adapter must implement this method:

Note that with this mode, your adapter will have to trigger the display of the creative by the in-app bidding partner's SDK when the method is called. This means that your adapter should also keep a reference to the ad loader of the in-app bidding partner's SDK and will be responsible to forward ad events to the application.


Mediation Creative Rendering - Banners

This corresponds to the SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.Mediation rendering type for banner ads.

Since the Smart banner view is in charge of displaying the third party banner, it expects that your adapter actually implement the SASBannerBidderAdapter interface (that extends the SASBidderAdapter interface), adding this method:

When this method is called, you have to render the banner creative using the third party SDK that won the bid, and pass the banner view back to the Smart SDK by calling the onBannerLoaded(@NonNull View mediatedBanner) method of the SASBidderBannerAdapterListener instance passed in parameter.

You will also have to notify the Smart SDK of subsequent events occuring on the third party banner by calling appropriate methods on that SASBannerBidderAdapterListener instance, such as onAdClicked(). Please refer to the SASBannerBidderAdapterListener reference documentation to see all available callback methods.


Mediation Creative Rendering - Interstitial

This corresponds to the SASBidderAdapter.RenderingType.Mediation rendering type for interstitial ads.

Since the Smart interstitial manager is in charge of displaying the third party interstitial, it expects that your adapter actually implement the SASInterstitialBidderAdapter interface (that extends the SASBidderAdapter interface), adding these methods:

When the loadBidderInterstitial(@NonNull SASInterstitialBidderAdapterListener interstitialBidderAdapterListener) method is called, you have to render the interstitial creative using the third party SDK that won the bid, and notify the Smart SDK when it is ready to be displayed by calling the onInterstitialLoaded() method of the SASInterstitialBidderAdapterListener instance passed in parameter.

When the showBidderInterstitial() method is called, you have to show the interstitial creative using the third party SDK that won the bid, and notify the Smart SDK when it is actually displayed by calling the onInterstitialShown() method of the SASInterstitialBidderAdapterListener instance passed in parameter.

You will also have to notify the Smart SDK of subsequent events occuring on the third party interstitial by calling appropriate methods on that SASInterstitialBidderAdapterListener instance, such as onAdClicked(). Please refer to the SASInterstitialBidderAdapterListener reference documentation to see all available callback methods.