Compatibility and support

Here you will find information about Smart Display SDK features, compatibility and technology support.

  1. Supported platforms
  2. Features
  3. Creative support
  4. MRAID support
  5. Open Measurement SDK support
  6. Outstream video support
    1. Features
    2. Supported VAST 4.x macros

Supported platforms

Smart Display SDK is supported on the following platforms.

Plaform Version
iOS iOS 12.0+
Android Android 4.4+ (API level 19)


Here is the list of supported features.

Feature Supported Additional Information
Rich Media
MRAID 2.0 support See Compatibility page in MRAID support section
MRAID 3.0 support
Outstream Video
Direct media file (mp4, webm, ...)
Prefetching video ad The video asset is partially preloaded to guarantee that it can be played on the device
Video events tracking
<ViewableImpression> (Starting with VAST 4)
VAST / VPAID support See Compatibility page in Outstream Video features section.
Video 360°
Video Go-to-vertical
Open mediation as primary SDK See Integrate Adapters page to have an easy mediation integration.
Mediation as secondary SDK
In-App Bidding
Open In-App Bidding See In-app Bidding page.
Exclusive Smart Formats
Parallax See Parallax page.
Custom keywords
User location Automatic use of user location if permission is granted to the application and if automatic location is manually enabled on the SASConfiguration object.
Custom User Identifier
User Privacy
Do not track compliant
GDPR & CCPA compliant See Privacy laws compliancy page.
Deep linking
In-app App Store link
Smart Viewability Tracking (MRC compliant)
IAB Open Measurement SDK support See Viewability page.

Creative support

Here is the list of supported creative files per placement type.

Creative Type Placement Type
Banner Interstitial Rewarded Video Native
Image (1) Standard Parallax Video EndCard (optional)
Rich Media
MRAID (2) (3)
Media Files (4)
MP4 (5) (7)
WebM (6) (5) (7)
HLS (5) (7)
VPAID (8) (7)
(1) Image rendering is made through a webview and HTML template except for Parallax (native platform component)
(2) Check MRAID support section for more info
(3) Limited MRAID support for Parallax: getState and isViewable for methods and ready, stateChange, viewableChange for events
(4) Video rendering uses native platfom component, except for VPAID (Video HTML5 tag)
(5) Native video rendering is not supported in Parallax but you can still rely on Video HTML5 tag
(6) Only on Android platform
(7) SASNativeAdMediaView should be integrated in your app, check Native Ads integration guide (iOS, Android) for more info
(8) Check Video features section for more info

MRAID support

Smart Display SDK supports MRAID 2.0

Here is the list of supported features from the IAB MRAID common API.

Feature Supported Additional Information
createCalendarEvent Deprecated since SDK 6.5.
isViewable See viewableChange event for more details about how Smart Display SDK handles the viewable value.
storePicture This method has never been available.

Method storePicture has never been available, mraid.supports("storePicture") always returns false.

Starting with SDK 6.5, mraid.supports("calendar") always returns false.

useCustomClose Not supported since version 7.24.0
ready For the Interstitial, this event is only fired when it's shown.
viewableChange Smart Display SDK handles viewableChange event in those cases:
  • Banner is present or not in the view hierarchy and visible
  • Banner integrated in a scrollview
  • Keyboard presence on top of a Banner
  • Interstitial is shown
  • App background / foreground states
Custom MRAID Method
sasSendMessage Send a message (string) to the app, see Messaging documentation in Custom MRAID API section.
Custom MRAID Event
sasReceiveMessage Receive a message (string) from the app, see Messaging documentation in Custom MRAID API section.

Open Measurement SDK support

The Smart Display SDK 7.23 embeds the IAB Open Measurement SDK with OMID API version 1.3.10
It therefore supports Open Measurement third-party verification tags included in your ads.

Here is the list of supported formats.

Placement Type Creative Type Supported Additional Information
Banner Standard HTML5
VideoHTML5 Video
VPAID 2.0 VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions*
VAST 4.2 Through VAST 4.1 <AdVerifications> tag, VAST 3.0 extensions* only as a fallback
Native (Standard/360°)Uploaded media file
VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions*
VAST 4.2 Through VAST 4.1 <AdVerifications> tag, VAST 3.0 extensions* only as a fallback
Parallax Due to the specificities of the Parallax format, the IAB Open Measurement SDK v1 cannot be applied.
Interstitial Standard HTML5
VideoHTML5 Video
VPAID 2.0 VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions*
VAST 4.2 Through VAST 4.1 <AdVerifications> tag, VAST 3.0 extensions* only as a fallback
Native (Standard/360°)Uploaded media file
VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions*
VAST 4.2 Through VAST 4.1 <AdVerifications> tag, VAST 3.0 extensions* only as a fallback
Rewarded Video Video VPAID 2.0 VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions*
VAST 4.2 Through VAST 4.1 <AdVerifications> tag, VAST 3.0 extensions* only as a fallback
Native (Standard/360°)Uploaded media file
VAST 3.0 Through VAST 3.0 extensions*
VAST 4.2 Through VAST 4.1 <AdVerifications> tag, VAST 3.0 extensions* only as a fallback
HTML5 End Card (Direct only)
Native Ad Native assets views

* Ads must be configured to traffic <Extension type="AdVerifications"> in their VAST as AdVerification tag is only available from VAST 4.1.

For example:

	<Extension type="AdVerifications">
			<Verification vendor="">
					<![CDATA[ ]]>

Outstream Video support

Here is the list of supported features from the IAB Digital Video Suite.


Format Supported
IAB Video Suite
VAST 2.0
VAST 3.0
VAST 4.2
VAST Wrapper
Video features
Linear ads
Non-linear ads
Audio ads
Skippable ads
Ad pods
Companions (1)
VAST tracking events
Asset Preloading (2)
(1) Companion image can be used as a background image for the video interstitial (template setting)
(2) The video asset is partially preloaded to guarantee that it can be played on the device

Supported VAST 4.x macros

Smart Instream SDK supports the following IAB VAST 4.x macros.

Those Macros are supported in <VASTAdTagURI>, <Tracking>, <Impression> VAST nodes

Macro Supported Description
[APIFRAMEWORKS] List of frameworks supported by the player.
Values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 "API Frameworks" list.
[OMIDPARTNER] An identifier of the OM SDK integration.
Please note: for SmartAdServer Instream SDKs it will be:
  • Smartadserver1 for mobile device integration
  • -1 for OTT Video Context
[VASTVERSIONS] List of VAST versions supported by the player.
Values are defined in the AdCOM 1.0 "Creative Subtypes" list.
[CACHEBUSTING] Random 8-digit integer.
[TIMESTAMP] The date and time at which the URI using this macro is accessed.

For additional information, please refer to the IAB VAST 4.x Macros Documentation