Mediation Overview

As primary SDK for the mediation, the Smart Display SDK will use third-party SDKs to load and display third-party ads.

  1. Easy integration of adapters
  2. Open source adapters
  3. Integrate a new SDK
  4. GDPR compliance

Easy integration of adapters

If you do not want to rely on the mediation adapters source code in your app project, Smart provides an easy way to integrate them.

Supported adapters

Smart provides open-sourced mediation adapters for several ad networks SDK. For a list of supported ad networks, formats and limitations, pleaser refer to dedicated section :

Integrate a new SDK

Starting from v7.0.0 version, the mediation component of the Smart Display SDK is opened. This means that if a third-party ad network SDK is not supported out of the box, or if the provided adapters for a given SDK do not suit your needs, you can implement your own adapters to integrate that SDK.

GDPR compliance

Smart Display SDK is compliant with the IAB Transparent and Consent Framework. For mediation partners, if GDPR applies for the user, Smart Display SDK will try to gather the user's consent as per IAB TCF specifications and pass it to the partner.

We recommand that you integrate a CMP that is compliant with the IAB TCF specifications (you can find the full list on the IAB website). If consent can not be retrieved, Smart Display SDK will always assume that the user did not consent and forward a negative consent to the partners.

Please refer to Network adapters page to find more information about GDPR retrieval strategy for each supported SDK.