Migration guide

This page will walk through the migration process from a SDK version to another, starting from the version 7.0.0.

We advise your to update your SDK version regulary to avoid having to much work to do during migration and to have access to new features and bug fixes.

  1. Migration from 7.17.1 to 7.17.2
    1. Location detection default setting
  2. Migration from 7.12 to 7.14.0
    1. Live Preview
    2. Visibility Percentage methods
  3. Migration from 7.4 to 7.6.0
    1. Base URL
  4. Migration guide to version 7.0.0
    1. Installation
    2. Import
    3. Configuration
    4. Banner integration
    5. Interstitial integration
    6. Rewarded Video integration
    7. Native Ad integration

Migration from 7.17.1 to 7.17.2

Location detection default setting

The automatic location detection (provided that the application already got it, with adequate permissions) is not done by default anymore in the Smart Display SDK, for data privacy and consent reasons.
The application is now responsible for getting the User consent to use his location for advertising purpose, and in this condition only, activate the automatic location retrieval in the Smart Display SDK.

See the release checklist page for more information.

Migration from 7.12 to 7.14.0

Live Preview

The Live Preview feature has been removed from the Smart Display SDK.

If you were still using this feature, you must remove any call to the handleLivePreviewURL() method (in the SASConfiguration class) method from your code.
You can also remove any Smart Display SDK URL schemes defined in your project settings.

Visibility Percentage methods

All methods allowing to override the actual visibility of an ad have been removed from the Smart Display SDK.

If you were still using those methods, you must remove any call and implementation of visibilityPercentageForBannerView: method of the SASBannerViewDelegate protocol.

Migration from 7.4 to 7.6.0

Base URL

The configure(siteId:baseUrl:) method is deprecated because the SDK can now automatically fetch the appropriate base URL (from the site ID parameter).

For most applications, you should use the configure(siteId:) method instead.

Migration guide to version 7.0.0


With CocoaPods

The pod name has changed: it is now named Smart-Display-SDK. If your were already using Cocoapods, don't forget to change the pod name in your Podfile.

pod 'Smart-Display-SDK', '~> 7.0.0'

Follow the Installation with Cocoapods guide for more info.

Without CocoaPods

Starting with version 7.0.0, the Smart Display SDK is distributed as an iOS Framework and not as a static library (*.a) anymore.

Manual installation is not recommended, please follow the Installation with Cocoapods guide.


Version 6.10

// Previously all the headers were imported by the YourApp-Bridging-Header.h
#import "SASAd.h"
#import "SASAdView.h"
#import "SASBannerView.h"
#import "SASInterstitialView.h"

// Previously headers were imported one by one depending on your viewcontroller needs
#import "SASBannerView.h"
#import "SASInterstitialView.h"

Version 7.0

import SASDisplayKit
#import <SASDisplayKit/SASDisplayKit.h>


In your AppDelegate

Version 6.10

//The site ID and the base URL must be set before using the SDK, otherwise no ad will be retrieved.
SASAdView.setSiteID(Constants.siteID(), baseURL: Constants.baseURL())

//The site ID and the base URL must be set before using the SDK, otherwise no ad will be retrieved.
[SASAdView setSiteID:kSiteID baseURL:kBaseURL];

Version 7.0

You need to use the new SASConfiguration shared instance, to set your base URL and site ID.

// The site ID and the base URL must be set before using the SDK, otherwise no ad will be retrieved.
SASConfiguration.shared.configure(siteId: Constants.siteID, baseURL: Constants.baseURL)

// The site ID and the base URL must be set before using the SDK, otherwise no ad will be retrieved.
[[SASConfiguration sharedInstance] configureWithSiteId:kSiteID baseURL:kBaseURL];

Banner integration

How to load a Banner ad

Version 6.10

// Load an ad - REMOVED
banner.loadFormatId(Constants.bannerFormatID, pageId: Constants.bannerPageID, master: true, target: nil)

// Load an ad - REMOVED
[self.banner loadFormatId:kBannerFormatID pageId:kBannerPageID master:YES target:nil];

Version 7.0

You need to instantiate SASAdPlacement to use the new method load(with:) on a SASBannerView instance

// Create a placement - NEW
let adPlacement = SASAdPlacement(siteId: Constants.siteID, pageId: Constants.bannerPageID, formatId: Constants.bannerFormatID)
// Load an ad on this placement - NEW
banner.load(with: adPlacement)

// Create a placement - NEW
SASAdPlacement *adPlacement = [SASAdPlacement adPlacementWithSiteId:kBannerSiteID pageId:kBannerPageID formatId:kBannerFormatID];
// Load an ad on this placement - NEW
[self.banner loadWithPlacement:adPlacement];

New delegate protocol

Version 6.10

Your delegate previously adopted the SASAdViewDelegate protocol.

func adViewDidLoad(_ adView: SASAdView)  {
	NSLog("Banner has been loaded")

func adView(_ adView: SASAdView, didFailToLoadWithError error: Error) {
	NSLog("Banner has failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

- (void)adViewDidLoad:(SASAdView *)adView {
	NSLog(@"Banner has been loaded");

- (void)adView:(SASAdView *)adView didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {
	NSLog(@"Banner has failed to load with error: %@", [error description]);

Version 7.0

Your delegate needs to adopt the new SASBannerViewDelegate protocol.

func bannerViewDidLoad(_ bannerView: SASBannerView) {
	NSLog("Banner has been loaded")

func bannerView(_ bannerView: SASBannerView, didFailToLoadWithError error: Error) {
	NSLog("Banner has failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

- (void)bannerViewDidLoad:(SASBannerView *)bannerView {
NSLog(@"Banner has been loaded");

- (void)bannerView:(SASBannerView *)bannerView didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(@"Banner has failed to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

Interstitial integration

How to init and load an Interstitial ad

Version 6.10

Load and Show actions were sequential for the Interstitial and you got access to the view of the Interstitial.

// Init Interstitial view - REMOVED
self.interstitial = SASInterstitialView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: view.frame.height), loader: .activityIndicatorStyleBlack)
self.interstitial.delegate = self
self.interstitial.modalParentViewController = self
// Load an ad - REMOVED
self.interstitial.loadFormatId(Constants.interstitialFormatID, pageId: Constants.interstitialPageID, master: true, target: nil)
// Ad Interstitial view on top of current Navigation Controller view - REMOVED

// Init Interstitial view - REMOVED
self.interstitial = [[SASInterstitialView alloc] initWithFrame:self.navigationController.view.bounds loader:SASLoaderActivityIndicatorStyleBlack];
self.interstitial.delegate = self;
self.interstitial.modalParentViewController = self;
// Load an ad - REMOVED
[self.interstitial loadFormatId:kInterstitialFormatID pageId:@"kInterstitialPageID" master:YES target:nil];
// Ad Interstitial view on top of current Navigation Controller view - REMOVED
[self.navigationController.view addSubview:self.interstitial];

Version 7.0

Load and Show actions are now totally asynchronous for Interstitial. This means that you can perform an ad call without showing the ad immediately.

Also, you cannot access the view of the Interstitial anymore.

You need to instantiate a SASAdPlacement before creating a new SASInterstitialManager instance.

// Create a placement - NEW
let adPlacement = SASAdPlacement(siteId: Constants.siteID, pageId: Constants.interstitialPageID, formatId: Constants.interstitialFormatID)
// Init Interstitial Manager with this placement - NEW
self.interstitialManager = SASInterstitialManager(placement: adPlacement, delegate: self)
// Load an ad - NEW


// Create a placement - NEW
SASAdPlacement *placement = [SASAdPlacement adPlacementWithSiteId:kInterstitialSiteID pageId:kInterstitialPageID formatId:kInterstitialFormatID];
// Init Interstitial Manager with this placement - NEW
self.interstitialManager = [[SASInterstitialManager alloc] initWithPlacement:placement delegate:self];
// Load an ad - NEW
[self.interstitialManager load];

To show the Interstitial, wait for it to be ready and call the new show(from:) method:

To know if an Interstitial is ready to show, you can rely on the new property adStatus value.

// Show the ad - NEW
if self.interstitialManager.adStatus == SASAdStatusReady {
	self.interstitialManager.show(from: self)

// Show the ad - NEW
if (self.interstitialManager.adStatus == SASAdStatusReady) {
	[self.interstitialManager showFromViewController:self];

New delegate protocol

Version 6.10

Your delegate adopted the SASAdViewDelegate protocol.

func adViewDidLoad(_ adView: SASAdView)  {
	NSLog("Interstitial has been loaded")

func adView(_ adView: SASAdView, didFailToLoadWithError error: Error) {
	NSLog("Interstitial has failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

- (void)adViewDidLoad:(SASAdView *)adView {
	NSLog(@"Interstitial has been loaded");

- (void)adView:(SASAdView *)adView didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {
	NSLog(@"Interstitial has failed to load with error: %@", [error description]);

Version 7.0

Your delegate needs to adopt the SASInterstitialManagerDelegate protocol.

Note: you are now notified if an error occured during the load or the show phase.

func interstitialManager(_ manager: SASInterstitialManager, didLoad ad: SASAd) {
	NSLog("Interstitial has been loaded")

func interstitialManager(_ manager: SASInterstitialManager, didFailToLoadWithError error: Error?) {
	NSLog("Interstitial has failed to load with error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")

func interstitialManager(_ manager: SASInterstitialManager, didFailToShowWithError error: Error?) {
	NSLog("Interstitial has failed to show with error: \(error!.localizedDescription))")

- (void)interstitialManager:(SASInterstitialManager *)manager didLoadAd:(SASAd *)ad {
	// Interstitial is ready to be shown
	NSLog(@"Interstitial has been loaded and is ready to be shown");

- (void)interstitialManager:(SASInterstitialManager *)manager didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {
	// Interstitial failed to load
	NSLog(@"Interstitial did fail to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

- (void)interstitialManager:(SASInterstitialManager *)manager didFailToShowWithError:(NSError *)error {
	// Interstitial failed to show after being successfully loaded
	// This kind of error only occurs if a showFromViewController is performed on your SASInterstitialManager instance
	NSLog(@"Interstitial did fail to show with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

Rewarded Video integration

How to init and load a Rewarded Video ad

Version 6.10

// Set the current controller as Rewarded Video Delegate  - REMOVED
// Create a rewarded video placement  - REMOVED
self.placement = SASRewardedVideoPlacement.init(pageId: pageId, formatId: formatId, target: target)

// Load an Ad on this placement - REMOVED
SASRewardedVideo.loadAd(for: self.placement!)

// Set the current controller as Rewarded Video Delegate  - REMOVED
[SASRewardedVideo setDelegate:self];
// Create a rewarded video placement  - REMOVED
self.placement = [SASRewardedVideoPlacement rewardedVideoPlacementWithPageId:kRewardedPageID
// Load an Ad on this placement - REMOVED
[SASRewardedVideo loadAdForPlacement:self.placement];

To show the Rewarded Video ad, when it was ready, you were calling showAd: method.

// Check that the ad is ready for our placement
if (SASRewardedVideo.isAdReady(for: self.placement!)) {
	// If the ad is ready, show it.
	SASRewardedVideo.showAd(for: self.placement!, from:self.navigationController!)

// Check that the ad is ready for our placement
if ([SASRewardedVideo isAdReadyForPlacement:self.placement]) {
	// If the ad is ready, show it.
	[SASRewardedVideo showAdForPlacement:self.placement fromViewController:self.navigationController];

Version 7.0

SASRewardedVideo shared instance has been replaced by SASRewardedVideoManager instances.

You need to use a SASAdPlacement instance to initialize a SASRewardedVideoManager.

// Create a placement - NEW
let placement = SASAdPlacement(siteId: Constants.siteID, pageId: Constants.rewardedVideoPageID, formatId: Constants.rewardedVideoFormatID)
// Init Rewarded Video Manager on this placement - NEW
self.rewardedVideoManager = SASRewardedVideoManager(placement: adPlacement, delegate: self)
// Load an ad - NEW

// Create a placement - NEW
SASAdPlacement *placement = [SASAdPlacement adPlacementWithSiteId:kRewardedVideoSiteID
// Init Rewarded Video Manager on this placement - NEW
self.rewardedVideoManager = [[SASRewardedVideoManager alloc] initWithPlacement:placement delegate:self];
// Load an ad - NEW
[self.rewardedVideoManager load];

To show the Rewarded Video ad, when it's ready, just call the new show: method.

To know if a Rewarded Video is ready to show, you can rely on the property adStatus value.

// Check if a rewarded video ad is ready - NEW
if self.rewardedVideoManager.adStatus == SASAdStatusReady {
	self.rewardedVideoManager.show(from: self)

// Check if a rewarded video ad is ready - NEW
if (self.rewardedVideoManager.adStatus == SASAdStatusReady) {
	// Show the ad - NEW
	[self.rewardedVideoManager showFromViewController:self];

New delegate protocol

Version 6.10

Your delegate previously adopted the SASRewardedVideoDelegate protocol.

func rewardedVideoDidLoad(_ ad: SASAd, for placement: SASRewardedVideoPlacement) {
	NSLog("RewardedVideo did load")

func rewardedVideoDidFailToLoad(for placement: SASRewardedVideoPlacement, error: Error?) {
	NSLog("RewardedVideo did fail to load with error \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")

func rewardedVideoDidFailToShow(for placement: SASRewardedVideoPlacement, error: Error?) {
	NSLog("RewardedVideo did fail to show with error \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")

- (void)rewardedVideoDidLoadAd:(SASAd *)ad forPlacement:(SASRewardedVideoPlacement *)placement {
	NSLog(@"RewardedVideo did load");

- (void)rewardedVideoDidFailToLoadForPlacement:(SASRewardedVideoPlacement *)placement error:(nullable NSError *)error {
	NSLog(@"RewardedVideo did fail to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

- (void)rewardedVideoDidFailToShowForPlacement:(SASRewardedVideoPlacement *)placement error:(nullable NSError *)error {
	NSLog(@"RewardedVideo did fail to show with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

Version 7.0

Your delegate needs to adopt the SASRewardedVideoManagerDelegate protocol.

func rewardedVideoManager(_ manager: SASRewardedVideoManager, didLoad ad: SASAd) {
	NSLog("RewardedVideo has been loaded and is ready to be shown");

func rewardedVideoManager(_ manager: SASRewardedVideoManager, didFailToLoadWithError error: Error?) {
	NSLog("RewardedVideo did fail to load with error \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")

func rewardedVideoManager(_ manager: SASRewardedVideoManager, didFailToShowWithError error: Error?) {
	NSLog("RewardedVideo did fail to show with error \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")

- (void)rewardedVideoManager:(SASRewardedVideoManager *)manager didLoadAd:(SASAd *)ad {
	NSLog(@"RewardedVideo has been loaded and is ready to be shown");

- (void)rewardedVideoManager:(SASRewardedVideoManager *)manager didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {
	NSLog(@"RewardedVideo did fail to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

- (void)rewardedVideoManager:(SASRewardedVideoManager *)manager didFailToShowWithError:(NSError *)error {
	NSLog(@"RewardedVideo did fail to show with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

Native Ad integration

Replacement of Native Ad Placement class

Version 6.10

The SASNativeAdManager instances were initialized with a SASNativeAdPlacement.

Version 7.0

You need to use a SASAdPlacement to initialize your SASNativeAdManager.